Snow Operations in Effect

City snow crews continue to plow all streets in Overland Park.

We ask that residents wait for crews to complete all routes before filing requests for snow removal through OPCares. If your street has not been plowed yet, please know that we are still working to plow all City streets.

Please make sure to move vehicles off residential streets if you can! This will help crews remove more snow to the curb and get to all neighborhoods more quickly.

February 11-13 Snow Operations Updates

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Animals + Pets

The City of Overland Park takes steps to make sure all residents and their pets are safe, healthy, and happy.

Learn more about the City’s leash laws and animal ordinances, the pet licensing program, and how animal control can help keep your neighborhood safe and pet-friendly.

Licenses + Permits

Overland Park licenses and permits many animals in the city in order to make sure our neighborhoods, residents, and pets are as safe and healthy as possible.

Animal Control

Overland Park’s animal control unit maintains peace and quiet in our neighborhoods, protects public and private property, and provides a safe environment for residents and pets.

Leash Law

Dogs in Overland Park must be on a leash at all times when not confined to a cage, residence, or backyard.