City snow crews continue to plow all streets in Overland Park.
We ask that residents wait for crews to complete all routes before filing requests for snow removal through OPCares. If your street has not been plowed yet, please know that we are still working to plow all City streets.
Please make sure to move vehicles off residential streets if you can! This will help crews remove more snow to the curb and get to all neighborhoods more quickly.
Find current development proposals or send a comment to the Planning Commission about an agenda item.
Learn about the types of development proposals and how the city considers development applications.
Learn how to submit a development project for Planning Commission or City Council approval, and see what’s required to do so.
Learn about expected future development and growth areas.
Public hearings give applicants, residents, and others the opportunity to provide testimony about pending development proposals and planning activities.
Following the recommendation of the Planning Commission, property owners near a development have an opportunity to file a protest petition. A valid protest petition impacts the approval requirements for an application.
Use this tool to see development proposals for nearby businesses, building permits for construction in your neighborhood, statistics on nearby code violations, and types of crime most common in your area.
Formed in 2018 following several rounds of public input, the Forward OP community vision outlines goals and initiatives that will lead Overland Park as a forward-thinking, innovative, and welcoming community.
This map shows recently-approved or recently-constructed development projects around Overland Park.
In order to promote high-quality development, Overland Park provides some public investments for private development. Learn about the different types of investments, or find active areas near your home or business.