Sustainability for Businesses

Embracing sustainable business practices can attract and retain employees, lower operational costs through energy efficiency and reduce consumption of resources while protecting our environment.

This page provides information and resources to help Overland Park businesses become more sustainable.


Lara Isch
Sustainability Manager
[email protected]

Renewable Energy

Consider geothermal energy! Highly efficient systems result in significant savings and recoup installation costs over time.

Always speak with your power provider before switching to renewable energy.

Embracing renewable energy options like solar panels reduces the environmental impact of your business’s energy consumption. Landlords and builders can take advantage of a discount on a building permit when incorporating renewable energy readiness options into their buildings.

Federal Solar Tax Credit

Limit Solid Waste

Landfills release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, pose risks to water and air quality and require resources to build and maintain.

The City provides opportunities to divert waste from the landfill through events and programs:

Investing in sustainable procurement means buying goods and services that work with your sustainability goals. Before purchasing a product, consider the entire lifecycle of that product, from how it is produced and maintained to how it is ultimately disposed of.

You can divert solid waste from landfills by following strategies outlined below:


The easiest way to minimize waste is to avoid creating it in the first place. Avoid disposable utensils and enroll in paperless billing. Replace disposable items with reusable ones when possible. 


Some products cannot be easily avoided. Reduce usage by printing double-sided, purchasing food items in bulk (like yogurt cups or single-serve coffee pods) and repairing items instead of throwing them away.


Many disposable items have reusable replacements that can often save you money:

  • Accept customer mugs or thermoses if your business sells beverages like coffees and smoothies.
  • Repair larger items like appliances.
  • Purchase products in reusable containers such as refillable water jugs and bulk cleaning and personal care products like liquid hand soap.

Has an item lived its useful life for its intended purpose?

Maybe you can breathe new life into it!

  • Use the other side of a document as scratch paper.
  • Collect used cooking oil in a salsa jar before taking it to your local household hazardous waste drop-off.

Recycling is actually the last resort to diverting waste from the landfill! Many items are recyclable, but it is market-driven, meaning recycling items like plastic can shift from year to year. Purchase items in easily recyclable packaging like cardboard, paper products, glass and aluminum instead of plastics.

Hazardous waste and electronics should be disposed of properly. Local government agencies often offer drop-off sites or special events as disposal opportunities for these items.

Composting is a great way to recycle organic material like leaves or food scraps. You can compost for free or pay for curbside or drop-off services.

Sustainable Construction

New development impacts the environment by reducing the number of natural areas and wildlife habitats in the community.

Adopting sustainable construction and landscaping processes can save money and minimize environmental effects:

Social Sustainability Resources

Community Connection

Connecting with the local community is a valuable opportunity for businesses to increase social sustainability.

Subscribe to the City E-Newsletter, City Source, to stay updated on City services, programs and events. 

Diversity, Equity + Inclusion

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce found that businesses incorporating DEI practices outperform their counterparts. Consider socially sustainable ways to apply these to your business, including addressing work time flexibility, work culture, hierarchical and reporting structures and hiring practices to create the best workplace possible. 

Living Wage Calculator

Paying a living wage, or the hourly rate an individual needs to support themselves or a family, is an important part of social sustainability as it improves retention and provides stability for employees as community members. 

Sustainability Consultation

Are you interested in taking a holistic approach to improving Sustainability? contact the Johnson County Green Business Program to receive a free comprehensive sustainability consultation for your business.