Community policing builds partnerships to prevent crime.

The community-oriented policing and problem-solving unit builds and maintains relationships with the community.

Community policing is a collaborative effort involving police officers and the community to address problems affecting the community. In addition to normal field work, the COPPS unit:

  • Offers security programs to enhance safety at home and at work, including security surveys
  • Coordinates community programs such as National Night Out, Operation Rudolph and Trunk or Treat
  • Speaks to neighborhood and apartment groups
  • Provides free residential and business security surveys
  • Advocate and support the crime-free multi-housing program for multifamily and rental communities
  • Reduces crime, drug use and gang activity in apartment complexes and residential areas
  • Proactively work to solve community problems and issues

Community Policing Assignments


Parkway Division

The parkway division serves areas south of I-435.


Captain Tirsa Otero
[email protected]

Antioch Division

The downtown division serves areas north of I-435.


Captain Tirsa Otero
[email protected]