Snow Operations in Effect

City of Overland Park snow crews are on duty beginning Tuesday evening to begin treating streets and plowing incoming snow.

Travel, including morning commutes, could be hazardous on Wednesday across Overland Park and all of northeast Kansas.

Learn more about the status of plows, priorities for clearing streets and how residents can help plow drivers.

Snow Operations Updates – February 11

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New pilot program allows many residents to raise chickens

City Council has approved a new pilot program allowing many Overland Park residents to raise chickens.

Under the program, residents will be able to apply for a permit to raise chickens at single and two-family residences. The pilot program launches March 1 and will run for two years.

Previously, a resident would need a special use permit, approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, in order to raise chickens. This program will suspend the special use permit requirement for the two-year period.

Through the new permit-based program, residents can raise a limited number of chickens on their property, depending on their property’s acreage. The number of allowed chickens based on lot size is below.

Number of AcresNumber of Chickens Allowed

Restrictions for safety and sanitation

Chickens must be kept in the backyard and are not allowed in the front or side yard. They must be kept in a secure, well-ventilated chicken coop, approved by Animal Control, and must be kept in the coop when the resident is not present. Hens are allowed, but roosters are not. 

Find a complete list of chicken requirements, including location, safety and permitting standards, under the approved Resolution No. 4767.

Homeowners associations will still be able to restrict the raising of chickens.

The pilot program does not apply to other farm animals, like ducks, pigs or goats.

Application process

In order to be approved for a permit, residents must first prove they can adequately care for the chickens and raise them in a sanitary location. They must also assure the chickens will not cause any health, safety or nuisance issues, which includes smell and noise.

A permit will cost $100 for the first year and $50 for each renewal. Per City ordinance, chickens are allowed on any property larger than three acres, no permit required. 

Upon the launch of the program, residents will apply for a chicken permit online via ePlace or in person at the City Clerk’s counter at City Hall, 8500 Santa Fe.

The City Council will review the pilot program in 2024.


Planning + Development Services 913-895-6217