Participating in City Council Meetings
You may share your views with the City Council:
- During legally-required public hearings
- During the regular open public comment period established by City Council policy
- Other opportunities when the Mayor allows for public comment
Public Hearings at City Council Meetings
The City Council conducts public hearings to consider various matters and as required by law prior to voting on items that come before the Council. These hearings are associated with a specific agenda item and comments for these hearings are limited to the subject of the item.
You do not need to provide advance notice if you would like to speak during a public hearing.
Open Public Comment Period at City Council Meetings
After the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every City Council meeting, the Governing Body will hear comments from members of the public for up to 30 minutes.
Register to Speak
You can sign up to speak for up to three minutes during this comment period using the link provided on each City Council agenda. The sign up form is in the “OPEN PUBLIC COMMENT” section of each City Council agenda. City Council Meeting agendas are available online.
Registration to speak at an open public comment period begins following publication of the agenda on the Thursday evening prior to the meeting. It closes at 3 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting.
If you are not registered to speak, the mayor may recognize you to speak during the open public comment period if there is time available after registered speakers have finished speaking.
Development Proposals + Planning Commission Agenda Items
Speakers wishing to speak on Planning Commission recommendations should sign up to speak during the Open Public Comment Period by 3 p.m. the day of the City Council meeting meeting. Speakers should clearly identify the agenda item on which they wish to comment.
The mayor may allow speakers who have signed up to speak on Planning Commission recommendations to either speak during the Open Public Comment Period or during consideration of the Planning Commission recommendations.
The mayor may, at their discretion, allow speakers who have not signed up to speak during consideration of Planning Commission recommendations.
Members of the public will be permitted one 3-minute opportunity to provide verbal comments only.
Materials may be distributed at the meeting to the City Council, but electronic display will not be allowed.
See Agendas + Register
City Clerk’s Office
[email protected]