Overland Park adopts new community-driven plan

The Overland Park City Council adopted FrameworkOP, the City’s new comprehensive plan, at its meeting May 6.

The process to update FrameworkOP started in 2022 with a community kickoff event. 

Throughout the planning process, more than 2,000 Overland Park residents, business owners, visitors and others were involved, sharing their hopes for the community’s future.

“Not all communities can come together and find a consensus with these goals all interwoven and shared across one plan,” said Mayor Curt Skoog. “That is an amazing success, and I appreciate the time and leadership of those who helped us develop this plan.”

FrameworkOP provides direction for many high-priority community issues, including land use, housing, environment, economic well-being and mobility.

It was written based on feedback from hundreds of residents who participated in three rounds of public meetings, in surveys and on topical advisory teams and steering committees.

City staff and elected officials will use the plan to determine where new buildings will be built, how to increase walkability and bikeability, strategies for expanding housing options and more.

Next steps

FrameworkOP will help the City grow for several decades, but implementation will begin now.

The City will begin working on some of the plan’s highest priority goals, which span nearly all City departments and business areas.

A high priority includes reviewing and updating the City’s Unified Development Ordinance, which governs development patterns in the City.

To learn more about FrameworkOP, visit frameworkop.org.


Meg Ralph Director of Strategic Communications City Manager’s Office 913-895-6160