City Council approves 2023 Budget

After two different public hearings and hearing from residents, Overland Park’s governing body passed the City’s 2023 Budget.

The 2023 Budget focuses on continuing to provide primary services, addressing inflationary pressures and continuing to address security in technology operations.

The $374.4 million budget is a 14.3% increase over the City’s 2022 Budget.

Mill levy stays steady; Revenues increase

The recommended budget maintains the City’s current property tax rate of 14.578 mills. 

The City predicts assessed valuation for properties to grow by 10%, generating an additional $6 million in property tax revenue, which leads to the increase.

Sales and use tax revenue collections are expected to increase in 2022 and 2023 as well.

Expenditure highlights

The 2023 Budget will use additional revenue to continue funding primary services. The budget:

  • Addresses challenges hiring police officers through internships and a cadet program;
  • Adds an additional forestry crew to maintain the tree canopy in parks, facilities, along medians, trails and City streets;
  • Provides additional funding for the Police Department’s crisis action team and victim assistance program;
  • Adds Public Works Department staff to reduce outside costs and increase safety;
  • Increases funding for equipment replacement;
  • Provides additional funding for City network security; and much more.

The City will also use American Rescue Plan Act funding, outside of the 2023 Budget, to add a neighborhood street reconstruction project, accelerate restoration and replacement of ash trees in the City’s urban forest decimated by the Emerald Ash Borer, and development of an electric vehicle charging station plan.

Budget process begins and ends with community engagement

After early budget planning and a spring public hearing on the budget, Interim City Manager Kristy Stallings presented the 2023 Budget to the City Council Committee of the Whole in June.

During the summer, City Council committees reviewed their respective areas of the budget, considering feedback from residents and possible changes. Residents could attend these Committee meetings or watch online.

The Governing Body held an additional public hearing beyond the legally-required public hearing on August 1. The Governing Body held legally required public hearings tonight to give the public an opportunity to again weigh in on exceeding the revenue neutral rate, and on the 2023 Budget generally.

Overland Park’s budget goes into effect Jan. 1, 2023.


Meg Ralph Director of Strategic Communications City Manager’s Office 913-895-6160