Snow Operations in Effect

City of Overland Park snow crews are on duty beginning Tuesday evening to begin treating streets and plowing incoming snow.

Travel, including morning commutes, could be hazardous on Wednesday across Overland Park and all of northeast Kansas.

Learn more about the status of plows, priorities for clearing streets and how residents can help plow drivers.

Snow Operations Updates – February 11

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Pumpkin Power: Compost your jack-o’-lanterns and help squash waste

From carving spooky faces to baking seasonal treats, pumpkins are the star of many fall traditions. As fall festivities wind down, don’t just toss them out!

Instead of sending your pumpkins to the landfill, carve out a more sustainable solution. Take advantage of composting opportunities in Overland Park throughout November and help squash the waste!

Why compost? 

When left in landfills, pumpkins can “haunt” the environment. Oxygen-deficient environments like landfills, rely on anaerobic bacteria to break down pumpkins and other organic matter, producing harmful methane gas in the process. 

When composted, pumpkins break down in the presence of oxygen, encouraging the growth of aerobic bacteria, which efficiently decomposes organic materials without producing harmful gases.

Drop off your pumpkins at the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens from Nov. 1-23 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. in the east parking lot or at the Farmers’ Market on Nov. 2, 9, 16 and 23 between 8 a.m. and noon. 

By composting your pumpkins, you’re contributing to a cleaner community and supporting a greener future. For more details on pumpkin composting, visit


Parks + Recreation 913-895-6390