Make February unforgettable with exciting events happening in Overland Park! From community gatherings to family-friendly fun, the City’s event calendar is full of opportunities to connect and explore.
Walk and Read at the Arboretum – Daily
Let’s explore! Walk and Read “The Prairie that Nature Built” at the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens. Start behind the Education Center on the blacktop path, and follow the signs to read the story. The walk is about one-mile round trip with inclines and rocky paths. Participation is included with admission to the Arboretum.
“The Road to Home: The Journey from Homelessness to Home” exhibit showcases a collection of Randy Bacon’s images, highlighting the beauty, strength and vulnerability of individuals living with homelessness. Each photograph tells a unique story, inviting viewers to reflect on the shared humanity that unites us all. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience Bacon’s thought-provoking work up close.
You can view this exhibit now through March 17, any time Tomahawk Ridge Community Center is open.
Saturday, February 1
Repair Café is a free meeting place organized by Re.Use.Full to provide tools and materials to help repair a wide variety of items. You’ll find all the tools and materials to fix clothes, furniture, small appliances, computers, lamps, bicycles, jewelry, and more. You will also meet volunteers with a variety of repair skills who can help get your broken items working again.
Monday, February 3
Neighborhood Executive Committee Officers Board – 5:30 p.m.
The Neighborhood Executive Committee develops and monitors the progress of the neighborhood programs.
Committee of the Whole – 6:30 p.m.
The Committee of the Whole meets on an as-needed basis at City Hall in Conference Room 1.
Mayor and Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall in the council chamber.
Tuesday, February 4
Discovery Day at the Arboretum – 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Craft time awaits on the first Tuesday of the month at the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens. Each month, a new make-and-take project unfolds on Discovery Day. Crafting supplies are included, and the projects are available on a first-come, first-served basis to the first 100 participants. The first Tuesday of the month also happens to be Free Admission Day at the Arboretum, so entry into the gardens and this project are all free! The theme for February is “Enchanted Homes.”
Mayor’s State of the City Address – 4 p.m.
Join us on February 4 as Overland Park Mayor Curt Skoog presents Overland Park’s 2025 State of the City address at Johnson County Community College. Mayor Skoog will reflect on the City’s accomplishments over the past year and share his vision for Overland Park’s future. Registration is open on the Chamber’s website until noon on January 28. The State of the City will be available on the City’s website after the event.
Wednesday, February 5
Community Development Committee – 7 p.m.
Community Development Committee meetings are held every first Wednesday of every month at City Hall in Conference Room 1.
Thursday, February 6
Arboretum New Volunteer Orientation – 10 a.m.
This is for new volunteers wishing to serve on a regular basis. We will discuss all volunteer opportunities, collect required paperwork and introduce you to the Arboretum!
69Express Public Meeting – 5-7 p.m.
At this public open house, the 69Express project team will be available to answer questions and share plans for 2025 construction work and information on how to use the express lanes.
Legacy of Greenery Committee – 6:30 p.m.
The Legacy of Greenery Committee develops strategies to increase, preserve and enhance the city’s tree canopy by promoting, planting and maintaining trees and shrubs in the city. The Legacy of Greenery Committee meets at City Hall on the first Thursday of every month.
Monday, February 10
Planning Commission – 1:30 p.m.
The Planning Commission considers all applications for final development plans and plats, holds public hearings and makes recommendations for final action to the Governing Body for rezoning, special use permits and preliminary development plans. It also prepares the Comprehensive Plan and reviews the Capital Improvements Program. Planning Commission meetings are held the second Monday of every month at City Hall in the Council Chamber.
Tuesday, February 11
Board of Zoning Appeals – 7 p.m.
The Board of Zoning Appeals considers requests for relief from the requirements of the zoning ordinance and meets monthly, generally on the second Tuesday. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets at City Hall.
Wednesday, February 12
Public Safety Committee – 7 p.m.
Public Safety Committee meetings are held every second Wednesday of every month at City Hall in Conference Room 1.
Thursday, February 13
Environmental Advisory Council – 6 p.m.
The Environmental Advisory Council studies environmental issues while supporting and promoting new and existing programs and developing educational programs that are beneficial to individuals and businesses in our community with respect to environmental issues. This council meets on the second Thursday at 6 p.m.
Environmental Advisory Council Officers Board – 8 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Officers Board is to be held at 8:00 p.m. in Conference Room 2 of the Myron Scafe Building, 8500 Antioch, Overland Park, KS. The purpose of the Officers Board Meeting is to plan the agenda.
Monday, February 17
Mayor and Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall in the council chamber.
Wednesday, February 19
Site Plan Review Committee – 11:45 a.m.
The Site Plan Review Committee makes recommendations to the Planning Commission on matters relating to site planning and architectural details of development proposals. Items may be recommended for committee review by the City Council, the Planning Commission or city staff. The Site Plan Review Committee meets at City Hall.
Finance, Administration + Economic Development Committee – 7 p.m.
Finance, Administration and Economic Development Committee business generally includes council rules, procedures and protocol, administrative services, finance, human resources, information technology and more. This committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month at City Hall in Conference Room 1.
Thursday, February 20
Public Information Meeting: College Boulevard Over Indian Creek Open House – 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The City is hosting an informational meeting at Tomahawk Ridge Community Center to discuss the College Bridge over Indian Creek project, which will occur in the Corporate Woods and Shannon Valley Estates neighborhoods in 2025. This project consists of the reconstruction of the College Boulevard bridge over Indian Creek. The second public information meeting will address questions and/or concerns from property owners adjacent to the proposed improvements.
Sunday, February 23
Stained Glass Workshop for Beginners – 1 p.m.
Join us in making a stained glass hanging, featuring a mushroom design! Learn beginning stained glass techniques with lead-free solder and flux. Supplies will be provided. Class size is limited. Due to the nature of working with a soldering iron and chemicals, this workshop is for adults 18 and older. Protective gloves, masks and eyewear will be worn. Please wear an apron or a long sleeve shirt. Tara from Lost and Found Design will be teaching this workshop.
Tuesday, February 25
Public Information Meeting: 77th Street & Metcalf Avenue Traffic Signal – 5:30-7 p.m.
The City is hosting an informational meeting at Matt Ross Community Center to discuss the intersection improvements at 77th Street and Metcalf Avenue, which includes the construction of northbound and southbound left turn lanes and a new traffic signal at the intersection. The City expects construction to begin in early 2027.
Parks + Recreation Advisory Council – 6:30 p.m.
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Council advises and makes recommendations to the Governing Body and staff on residential parks and recreational needs and wants. It meets the last Tuesday of every month at City Hall.
Wednesday, February 26
Site Plan Review Committee – 11:45 a.m.
The Site Plan Review Committee makes recommendations to the Planning Commission on matters relating to site planning and architectural details of development proposals. Items may be recommended for committee review by the City Council, the Planning Commission or city staff. The Site Plan Review Committee meets at City Hall.
Public Works Committee – 7 p.m.
Public Works Committee business generally includes streets and highways, public works facilities, traffic signals and signs, infrastructure planning, right of way management, sidewalks and bikeways, public transportation, stormwater management and traffic management systems. Public Works Committee meetings are held every fourth Wednesday of every month at City Hall in Conference Room 1.
Thursday, February 27
Public Information Meeting: Metcalf Pedestrian Trail, 83rd to 87th Street
The City is hosting an informational meeting to discuss planned improvements, including removing the existing four-foot sidewalk and adding a 10-foot concrete bike/hike trail along the east side of Metcalf Avenue between 83rd Street and 87th Street. The overhead power/utilities will be relocated underground. Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2026.