Breathe new life into broken belongings at Repair Café Feb. 1

Holding on to a broken item you’re not ready to give up on? Here’s your chance to make them as good as new!

Join us for the next Repair Café on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Matt Ross Community Center, 8101 Marty.

Hosted by Re.Use.Full, this free event brings together skilled volunteers ready to breathe new life into your broken or damaged items. Bring clothing, jewelry, small furniture, computers, lamps, small appliances, toys, bicycles and more.

Repair Cafés are part of a global effort to reduce waste and promote sustainability, with over 2,500 events held worldwide. These events not only extend the life of your belongings but also offer a chance to connect with others and make an environmental impact by repairing rather than replacing.

Learn more at and join us to give your items and our planet a second chance!